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2008-06-27 13:16:36   出处:   发布人:连云港律师网   浏览:4171




1.1 These General Conditions are intended to be applied together with the Specific Conditions (Part A)of the ICC International Sale Contract (Manufactured Goods Intended for Resale),but they may also be incorporated on their own into any sale Contract. Where these General Conditions (Part B) are used independently of the said specific Conditions (Part A) ,any reference in Part B to Part Awill be interpreted as a reference to any relevant specific cinditions agreed by the parties. In case of contradiction between these General Conditions and any specific conditions agreed upon between the parties,the specific conditions shall prevail.


1.2 Any questions relating to this Contract which are not expressly or implicitly settled by the provisions contained in the Contract itself (i. e.these General Conditions and any specific conditions agreed upon by the parties)shall be governed:


(a)by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna Convention of 1980, hereafter referred to as CISG), and 


(b)to the extent that such questions are not covered by CISG,by reference to the law of the country where the Seller has his place of business.


1.3 Any reference made to trade terms (such as EXW, FCA,etc. )is deemed to be made to the relevant term of INCOTERMS published by the International Chamber of Commerce.


1.4 Any reference made to a publication of the International Chamber of Commerce is deemed to be made to.the version current at the date of conclusion of the Contract.


1.5 No modification of the Contract is valid unless agreed or evidenced in writing. However, a party may be precluded by his conduct from asserting this provision to the extent that the' other party has relied on that conduct.


2.Characteristics of the goods


2.1 It is agreed that any information relating to the goods and their use,such as weights,dimensions, capacities,prices, colours and other data contained in catalogues, prospectuses, circulars, advertise ments,illustrations,price - lists of the Seller,shall not take effect as terms of the Contract unless expressly referred to in the Contract.


2.2 Unless otherwise agreed,the Buyer does not acquire any property rights in software,drawings etc. which may have been made available to him.Ths Seller also remains the exclusive owner of any intellectual or industrial property rights relating to the goods.


3.Inspection of the goods before shipment


If the parties have agreed that the Buyer is entitled to inspect the goods before shipment, the Seller must notify the Buyer within a reasonable time before the shipment that the goods are ready for inspection at the agreed place.




4.1 If no price has been agreed,the Seller's current list price at the time of the conclusion of the Contract shall apply. In the absence of such a current vist price,the price generally charged for such goods at the time of the conclusion of the Contract shall apply.


4.2 Unless otherwise agreed in writing,the price does not include VAT,and is not subject to price adjustment.


4.3 The price indicated under A - 2(Contract price)includes any costs which are at the Seller' s charge according to this Contract. However,should the Seller bear any costs which, according to this Contract,are for Buyer' s account (e. g. for transportation or insurance under EXW or FCA), such sums shall not be considered as having been included in the price under A - 2 and shall be reimbursed by the Buyer.


5.Payment conditions


5.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing,or implied from a prior course of dealing between the parties,payment of the price and of any other sums due by the Buyer to the seler shall be on open account and time of payment shall be 30, days from the date of invoice. The amounts due shall be trans ferred.unless otherwise agreed, by teletransmission to the Seller's band in the sellers country for the account of the Seller and the Buyer shall be deemed to have performed his payment obligations when the respective sums due have been received by the Seller's band in immediately availablefunds.


5.2 If the parties have agreed on payment in advance,without further indication,it well be assumed that such advance payment,unless otherwise agreed,refers to the full price, and that the advancd payment must be reveived by the Seller's band in immediately available funds at least 30 days before the agreed date of delivery or the earliest date within the agreed delivery period. If advance payment has been agreed only for a part of the Contract price,the payment conditions of the remaining amount will be determined according to the rules set forth in this article.


5.3 If the parties have agreed on payment by documentarycredit, then, unless otherwise agreed,the Buyer must arrange for a documentary credit in favour of the Seller to be issued by a reputable band ,subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce, and to be notified at least 30 days before the agreed date of delivery or at least 30 days before the earliest date within the agreed delivery period. Unless otherwise agreed ,the documentary credit shall be payable at sight and allow partial shipments and transhipments.


5.4 If the parties have agreed on payment by documentary collection, then unless otherwise agreed,documents will be tenderde against payment(D/P)and the tender will in any ease be subject to the Uniform Rules for Collections published by the International Chamber of Commerce.


5.5 To the extent that the parties have agreed that payment is to be backed by a band guaran tee, the Buyer is to provide, at least 30 days before the agreed date of delivery or at least 30 days before the earliest date within the agreed delivery period,a first demand bank guarantee subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees published by the International Chamber of Commerce, or a standby letter of creit subject eithr to such Rules or to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce,in either case is sued by a reputable bank.


6.Interest in cast of delayed pay merit


6.1 If a paryt does not pay a sum of money when it falls due the other party is entitled to interest upon that sum from the time when payment is due to the time of payment.

6.2除非另有约定,利率应比付款地支付货币现行的对信誉良好借款者计收的银行平均短期贷款利率高          %。若在该地没有这样一个利率,则以付款货币国的同一利率为准。如果两地都没有这样的利率,则应以付款货币国法律所确定的适当利率为准。

6.2 Unless otherwise agreed,the rate of interest shall be 2% above the average bank shortterm lending rate to prime borrowers prevailing for the currency of payment at the place of payment, or where no such rate exists at that place, then the same rate in the State of the currency of payment.In the absece of such a rate at either place the rate of interest shall be the appropriate rate fixed by the law of the State of the currency of payment.


7.Retention of title


If the parties have validly agreed on retention of title, the goods shall remain the property of the Seller until the complete payment of the price, or as otherwise agreed.


8.Contratual term of delivery


Unless otherwise agreed,delivery shall be Ex Works(EXW).




Unless otherwise agreed ,the Seller must provide the documents (if any)indicated in the applicable Incoterm or,if on Incoterm is applicable,according to any previous couse of dealing.


10.Late - delivery, non - delivery and remedies therefor

10.1如果发生任何货物的迟延交付,则买方有权要求预定损害赔偿。每迟延一整周,其金额为该些货物价款的          %,或约定其他比率,但以买方通知卖方交货迟延为前提。买方在约定的交货日期后15天内照此通知卖方,则损害赔偿金应从约定的交货日或约定的交货期间的最后一天起草,如果买方在约定的交货日期后超过15天才通知卖方,刚损害赔偿金应从通知日起算。延迟交货的预定损害赔偿金不应超过迟交货物价款的          %,或其他可能约定的最高数额。

10.1 When there is delay in delivery of any goods,the Buyer is entitled to claim liquidated damages equal to 0.5% or such other percentage as may be agreed of the price of those goods for each complete week of delay,provided the Buyer notifies the Seller of the delay. Where the Buyer so notifies the Seller within 15 days from the agreed date of delivery, damages will run from the agreed date of delivery or from the last day within the agreed period of delivery. Where the Buyer so notifies the Seller after 15days of the agreed date of delivery, damages will run from the date of the notice. Liquidated damages for delay shall not exceed 5 % of the price of the delayed goods or such other maximum amount as may be agreed.


10.2 If the parties have agreed upon a cancellation date in Box A - 9,the Buyer may terminate the Contract by notification to the Seller as regards goods which have not been deliverde by such cancellation date for any reason what so ever (including a force majeure event).


10.3 When article 10.2 does not apply and the Seller has not delivered the goods by the date no which the Buyer has become entitled to the maximum amount of liquidated damages under article 10.1,the Buyer may give notice in writing to terminate the Contract as regards such goods,if they have not been delivered to the Buyer within 5 days of receipt of such notice by the Seller.


10.4 In case of termination of the Contract under article 10.2 or 10.3 then in addition to any amount paid or payable under article 10.1 ,the Buyer is entitled to claim damages for any additional loss not exceeding 10% of the price of the non delivered goods.


10.5 The remedies under this article are exclusive of any other remeby for delay in delivery or non - delivery.


11.Non - conformity of the goods


11.1 The Buyer shall examine the goods as soon as possible after their arrival at destination and shall notify the seller in writing of any lack of conformity of the goods within 15 days from the date when the Buyer discovers or ought to have discovered the lack of conformity. In any case the Buyer shall nave no remedy for lack of conformity if he fails to notify the Seller thereof within 12 months from the date of arrival of the goods at the agreed destination.


11.2 Goods will be deemed to conform to the Contract despite minor discrepancies which are usual in the particular trabe or through course of dealing between the parties but the Buyer will be entitled to any abatement of the price usual in the trade or throuhg course of dealing for such discrep antics.


11.3 Where goods are non - conforming(and provided the Buyer, having given notice of the lack of conformity in compliance with article 11.1, does not elect in the notice to retain them),the Seller shall at his option:


(a)replace the goods with conforming goods,without any additional expense to the Buyer,or


(b)repair the goods,without any additional expense to the Buyer,or


(c)reimburse to the Buyer the price paid for the non conforming goods and thereby terminate the Contract as regards those goods.


11.4 If the Seller has failed to perform his duties under 11.3 by the date on which the Buyer becomes entitled to the maximum amount of liquidated damages according to that article, the Buyer may give notice in writing to terminate the Contract as regards the non - conforming goods unless the supply of replacement goods or the repair is effected with in 5 days of receipt of such notice by the Seller.

11.5如果按第11.3(c)条或11.4条规定终止合同,那么,除了按第11.3条作为返还价款和延迟损害赔偿所支付或应支付的数额外。买方可请求不超过不符货物价款          %的任何额外损害赔偿。

11.5 Where the Contract is terminated under article 11.3 (e) or artielel1.4,then in addition to any amount paid or payable under atr. 11.3as reimbursement of the price and damages for any delay,the Buyer is entitled to damages for any additional loss not exceeding 10% of the price of the non - conforming goods.

11.6若买方选择保留不符货物,则买方有权取得等产符合合同时此货物在约定目的地的价值与所交不符货物在同一地点的价值的差额,但最多不应超过该货物价款的          %。

11.6 Where the Buyer elects to retain non - conforming goods,he shall be entitled to a sam equal to the difference between the value of the goods at the agreed place of destination if they had conformed with the Contract and their value at the same place as delivered, such sum not to exceed 15% of the price of those goods.


11.7 Unless otherwise agreed in writing,the remedies under this article 11 are exclusive of any other remedy for nonconformity.


11.8 Unless otherwise agreed in writing,no action for lack of conformity can be taken by the Buyer, whether before judicial or arbitral tribunals, after 2 years from the date of arrival of the goods.It is expressly agreed that after the expiry of such term,the Buyer will not plead non - confor- mity of the goods, or make a counterclaim thereon, in defence to any action taken by the Seller against the Buyer for non - performance of this Contract.


12.Cooperation between the parties


12.1 The Buyer shall promptly inform the Seller of any 'claimmade against the Buyer by his customers or third parties concerning the goods delivered or intellectual property rights related thereto.


12.2 The Seller will promptly inform the Buyer of any claim which may involve the product liability of the Buyer.


13.Force majeure


13.1 A party is not liable for a failure to perform any of his obligations in so far as he proves


(a)that the failure was due to an impediment beyond his control,and


(b)that he could not reasonable be expected to have taken the impediment and its effects upon his ability to perform into account at the time of the conclusion of the Contract, and


(c)that he could not reasonably have avoided or or over come it or its effects.


13.2 A party seeking relief shall, as soon as practicable after the impediment and its effects upon his ability to perform become known to him, give notice to the other party of such impediment and its effcets on his ability to perform. Notice shall also be given when the grond of relief ceases.


13.3 Without prejudice to article 10.2,a ground of relief under this clause relieves the party failing to perform from liatility in damages, from penalties and other Contractual sanctions, form the duty to pay interest on money owing as long as and to the extent that the ground subsists.


13.4 If the grounds of relief subsist for more than six months, either party shall be entitled to terminate the Contract without notice.


14.Resolution of disputes


14.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all disputes arising in connection with the present Contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules.


14.2 An arbitration clause does not prevent any party from requesting interim or conservatory measures from the courts.




1.General characteristics


The ICC Model International Sale Contract is divided into two parts:A.Specific Conditions, setting out terms which are special to a particular Contract of sale;andB.General Conditions,setting out standard terms common to all Contracts incorporating the ICC eneral Conditions of sale.


The model has been designed on the assumption that parties would normally use both Parts A and B, with each part being drafted with the other part in mind.


On the other hand, it is open to the parties to incorporate into their Contract only part B, the General Conditions. Where the parties wish to use only part B of this model Contract, they should inelude terms such as the following in their special Contract:


< This Contract shall be governed by the ICC General Conditions of Sale (Manufactured Goods Intended for Resale). >


Of course, in this case part A would not be used and any reference in part B to the clauses in part A world be deemed to refer instead to any relevant specific term,if any,agreed by the parties in their special Contract: see article 1.1 of part B.


2.Scope of application


This model Contract is primarily directed at Contracts for the sale of manufactured goods intended for resale,where the purchaser is not a consumer and where the Contract is an independent transaction rather than part of a long--term supply arrangement. Each of these features of the Contracts for which this model is intended will now be dealt with.


Manufactured goods:the model Contract does not cater for the special terms required in Contracts for the sale of commodities, in particular raw material, agricultural produce or food and perishable goods.Intended for resale:the model is primarily intended for goods sold and bought in general commerce and which can easily be substituted rather than for custom-built goods or equipment purchased by the end user. For these specially-produced goods and more generally for machinery and equipment,other standard terms may be nord appropriate, e.g.the ECE188 General Conditions or the Orgalime General Conditions for the supply of mechanical, eletrica] and associated electronic products.


The model Contract does not cover sales to con sumers, but only to purchasers who are in business of reselling goods, e.g.distributors, importers, wholesalers, etc.


It should be emphasised that the above guidance is intended only to advise potential users of the model Contract of the intentions targeted by the Working Party reponsible for drafting the model Contract; it is not intended to prevent the use of the model Contract (and in particular of the General Conditions contained in part B)in transactions other than those particularly the Working Party. However, if the model Contract is used in the context of goods which are substantially different from those primarily considered by the Working Party, the parties should take care to satisfy themselves that all the terms of the model Contract are appropriate for their purposes.


3.Applicable law


Failing contrary agreement between the parties, the model Contract subjects the transaction to the United Nations Convention for the International Sales of Goods (CISG), also known as the Vienna Convention of 1980 and which, for ease of reference, is appended to the model Contract as Annex 1.


By means of this incorporation of the Vienna Convention into the model Contract in article 1.2 (A) of Part B, the Convention will apply whether or not the countries of the seller and buyer have ratified the Vienna Convention .The working party chose to apply the Convention in default of contrary agreement because it was felt appropriate to adopt a uniform law, such as CISG, expressly made for international transactions. The model Contract has been drafted on the assumption that the parties'rights will be governed United Nations Convention for the International Sales of Goods (Vienna 1980,hereafter referred to as CISG)and, as to questions not covered by the Convention,by the law of the country where the seller has his place of business (art. 1.2) .Accordingly parties are encouraged not to choose a domestic law of sale to govern the Contract. Although CISG does not cover all aspects of the sale Contract,it promotes uniformity and consistency. If however, parties wish to choose a domestic law in place of CESG (by filling in box A--14 (a) of part A), they should carefully check to ensure that the domestic law they have chosen to apply does not conflict with the terms of the model Contract. If they wish to choose a law other than that of the seller to govern questions not covered by CISG, they should fill in box A--14 (b).


4.Modifications to be evidenced in writing


With a view to ensuring maximum certainty regarding the terms agreed between the parties, article 1.5 of Part Bprovides that modifications to the Contract must be made in writing.


However,this requirement is not absolute. In keeping with article 29 (2) of CISG article 1.5 of the model Contract goes on to say that a party may be precluded from invoking the requirement of writing if he has agreed to a modification of written terms orally or by conduct and the other party has relied on such oral agreement or conduct.


5.Shipment and delivery conditions


The parties are invited to choose the appropriate trade term under Incoterms. Although Part A of the model Contract lists all current Incoterms in A--3, the Working Party recommends that the parties should seriously consider avoiding the use of terms requiring transferable transport documents, like bills of lading, such as the CFR and CIF Incoterms: manufactured goods are rarely sold or pledged in transit and consequently rarely require the use of a transferable transport document. Likewise, parties ought to think carefully before using, in conjunction with this model Contract, Incoterms providing for delivery to or discharge from a vessel, such as FAS, FOB, DES and DEQ.Manufactured goods are normally handed over for carriage at terminals,whether within the port precincts or at an inland depot and the use of such terms might consequently be inappropriate to the type of goods for which the model Contract is intended.


Consequently,the Working Party recommends that the Incoterms most appropriate for use with the model Contract would normally be EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAF, DDU or DDP. It is for this reason that these terms are listed first rather than is the order set ont in Incoterms. Contracting parties are also reminded that while Incoterms spell out the main duties of and the allocation of risk and costs as between sellers and buyers, they do not provide comprehensive answers to all the possible issues which may arise between the parties. Thus, for example, in some Incoterms, e. g. FOB, neither of the parties is under an obligation to insure and consequently it is up to the parties to agree among themselves who is to effect any insurance cover. Again, the CIP, CPT and FCA terms do not allocate the incidence of terminal handling charges: the allocation of such charges between sellers and buyers is therefore a matter fo special agreement between the parties.


6.Time of delivery


It is important to bear in mind that the time of delivery,to be inserted by the parties at A--4 of Part A of the model Contract,refers to the date on which or period within which the seller undertakes to perform his delivery obligations under the Contract of sale,and in particular under the relevant Incoterm selected by the parties.Thistime of delivery'is linked to the Contractual place of delivery, which is not necessarily the place where the goods reach the buyer.Thus under CPT (Carriage Paid to) the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver the goods (according to clause A4 of this Incoterm) when he delivers the goods into the custody of the carries and not when the goods arrive at the named place of destination. The Working Party therefore recommends that, before agreeing on the time of delivery by completing A 4 of Part A of the model Contract,parties should check carefully the stage at which delivery occurs according to the Incoterm chosen in A--3 of the model Contract: i.e.the operation described as delivery under the relevant Incoterm which the seller must perform at or by the time agreed in A--4 of the model Contract.


The parties can agree a time of delivery by agreeing a precise date (e. g. 10 February 1998 of by 10 February 1998) or a period (third week of February 1998 ,March 1998).The parties can also agree a period of time running from a certain date (third week of February 1998, March 1998) .The parties can also agree period of time running from a certain date (e. g60 days from signature of the sale Contract,90 days after receipt of the agreed advance payment). If a period of time is agreed,the seller may, according to art.33 CISG, deliver the goods at any time within that period,unless cirumstances indicate that the buyer is to choose a date.


7.Payment conditions


It is important to designate the mode and time of payment as set out in A--7. Where payment is to be made by transfer to the seller's bank,the name and adress of the bank and branch should be stated, together with details sufficient to identify the account, and, if desired, the mode of the payment message( e. g. wire transfer, eleetronic funds transfer).


8.Documents to be provided by the seller


It is common practice in international sales that the seller provides the buyer with certain documents: invoice, transport document, certificates, etc.A--8 of Part A of the model Contract provides the parties with an opportunity expressly to indicate their intentions as to documents. Two matters are well worth bering in mind.


(a)Parties should check which documents,if any,are to be provided under the particular Incoterm chosen under A--3 of Part A. Should the parties wish to add to or vary the documentary position under the Incoterm chosen, they should do so clearly in completing A--8 in Part A.


(b)Where the parties agree on payment through a letter of credit, care should be taken to ensure that the parties are clear as to the documents to be required under the letter of credit. This is particularly important when the Incoterm chose in A--3 of Part A is one which imposes no documentary duties on the seller, e. g. EX Works.


For the guidance of users of this model Contract,the following box contains a list of some transport documents in common use with an indication of the type of transport for which they are appropriate. Some of the documents listed hereunder are documents of title, which give to their holder the right to dispose of the goods, while others are simply documents which evidence the delivery of the products to a carrier or warehouseman.


9.Retention of title


The parties may agree, by completing A--6 of Part A of the model Contract or otherwise,that the goods will remain the property of the seller until complete payment of the price, as indicated in article 7 of Part B of the model Contract. It should however be remembered that under many national laws retention of title of goods intended for resale is not always effective. The seller shoul, d therefore carefully check under the relevant law (which normally will be the law of the country where the goods are situated) if and to what extent he may rely on article 7of Part B


1O.Warranty to consumers


Manufacturers of the type of goods for which this model Contract is primarily intended typically grant a warranty(for repair and/or replacement as the case may be) to the ultimate purchase (consumer). In such a case, the manufacturer's arranty to the final user may overlap with the obligations of the seller under the sale Contract. In faet, where the goods are defective the final purchaser may, in principle,make a claim against his seller under the sale Contract or directly against the manufacturer under the warranty given by him.


In these cases, it may be appropriate for the parties to the international sale Contract specifically to agree that the buyer will co--operate with the seller, who might himself be the manufacturer,in managing the warranty,for example by confirming the date of the onsale to the ultimate consumer, aormally the commencement date of the manufacturer's warranty.The partiese may also agree that the buyer will perform on the manufacturer' s behalf certain obligations under the warranty,for example the duties of repair or replacement of non--conforming goods.


Elements of desirable co--operation between the parties are provided for in article 12 of Part B of the model Contract. Parties may wish to stipulate for other aspects of co--operation by appropriate stipulation in A--16 of Part A of the model Contract.

│类证类型│  运输方式   │       注    释        │
│ 提单 │   海运    │可转让的物权凭证,在单据做成指示抬头的情况│
│    │亦经常用于多式联运│下,买方可通过转让提单来出售或抵押路货  │
│多式联运│涉及至少包括两种 │有许多名称:联运单、集装箱提单;运协多式 │
│单据  │不同运输方式的运输│联运提单及其他名称            │
│海运单 │   海运    │有多种名称:乌纱帽物主要收据,不可转让提单│
│    │         │,班轮运单。不可转让。           │
│    │         │除非海运单载有禁止变更的无处置权条款,卖方│
│    │         │在缺陷货之前可变更交货指示        │
│大副收据│   海运    │证明货交承运人的单据。          │
│    │         │按FOB或FCA术语销售时,有时答发给托运人,代│
│    │         │替提单提交买方。             │
│空运单 │   空运    │有时亦称作航空托运单           │
│托运单 │   陆运    │有时也称和国际铁路货物运送公约(公路)托运│
│    │         │单或运单。                │
│ 仓单 │  海运或陆运  │当货物在卖方或买方所在地存他以备买方提取时│
│    │         │使用的可转让单据             │
│运输行出│海运、空运、陆运 │重要的一点是分清运输行是作为承运人还是作为│
│具的单据│或多式联运    │承运人的代理人承提货物运送责任      │
│装箱单 │海运、陆运或多式 │记录所装入卡车、包装箱、或集装箱的货物的单│
│    │联运       │据可作为买卖双方的交货证明,量重要的是要弄│
│    │         │清楚谁签发且在什么阶段签发装箱单     │

│Type of Document │Mode of Transport  │Comments          │
│         │Sea         │Transferable Document of  │
│         │Also frequently  │Title allowing buyer to sell│
│Bill of Lading  │used for      │or pledge goods while in  │
│         │muhimodal transprot │transit by transferring the │
│         │          │documents at any rate where │
│         │          │made out to order     │
│         │Transit involving │Known by many names;    │
│Muhimodal     │carriage by at   │Combined Transport Document │
│         │least two different │Container Bill of Lading, │
│Transport Document│modes of transport │Fiata Multimodal Transport │
│         │          │Bill of           │
│         │          │Lading and other variations │
│         │          │Known by many names :Cargo │
│         │          │Key Receipt,Non - negotia- │
│         │          │ble Bill of Lading ,Liner │
│         │          │Waybill.Non Transferable.  │
│         │          │Seller may alter delivery  │
│         │          │directions until discharge,│
│Seawaybill    │Sea         │unless the SWB contains  │
│         │          │a NO DISP clause preventing │
│         │          │such change.        │
│         │          │Document providing proof of │
│Mate' s Receipt  │Sea         │delivery to a carrier to  │
│         │          │Sometimes given to shipper │
│         │          │when selling FOB or FCA,to │
│         │          │be tendered to buyer instead│
│         │           │of Bill of Lading.     │
│Air Waybill    │Air         │Sometimes also known as air │
│         │          │consignment note.      │
│Consignment Note │          │Also sometimes kown as CIM │
│         │Land        │(rail) or CMR (raid)  │
│         │          │consignment note or waybill.│
│Warehouse     │          │Transferable document used │
│         │          │when the goods are ware-  │
│         │Land & Sea     │housed for collection by  │
│Warrant      │          │buyers end or at buyer send │
│Freight-for-ward- │          │Important to identify    │
│er's       │Sea, Air, land or │whether the forwarder is  │
│         │          │undertaking responsibility │
│Documents     │muhimodal      │for the carriage of the   │
│         │          │ goods as carrier or    │
│         │          │as agent of the carrier.  │
│         │          │A document recording what  │
│         │Sea,        │has been packed into a lorry│
│         │          │package or container.    │
│Packing List   │Land or muhimodal  │May represent proof of   │
│         │          │delivery as between seller │
│         │           │and buy-er ,but important │
│         │          │to identify who has issued │
│         │          │the list and at what stage. │


11.Limitations of liability


In line with general practice in international trade. Part B of the model Contract provides for a limitation of the amount of damages that may be claimed against a defaulting party, in order to reach a reasonable compromise between the buyer' s interest to claim the full loss caused by the seller' s breach and the seller' s interest to maintain his liability for damages within clearly foreseeable limits.Since it is impossible to strike such a balance in standard terms for all types of products,the Working Party chose to state basic formulae in Part B (at articles 10.1, 10.4, 11.3, 11.5 and ll.6)but expressly giving the parties an opportunity (at A--10, A--ll and A--12 of Part A)to agree on a modification of such formulae.

(a)迟延交货或不交货:买方可对迟延交货请求:(ⅰ)第10.1条规定的预定损害赔偿金;即每周为迟交货物价款的          %,但最高不得超过迟交想物价款的          %;及(ⅱ)在因迟延交货买方按照第10.2条或10.3条规定终止合同的情况下买方除可要求上述预定损害赔偿金外,还可对经证实的损失取得不超过个交货物价款的          %的金额(见第10.4条)。标题(ⅰ)所指的损害赔偿是针对货物最终已交付且已被接受的迟延交货而言的。在此情况下买方只需证明迟延交付而无须证明实际损失就可取得其最高限度为迟交货物价款          %%的预定损害赔偿金。标题(ⅱ)所指的损害是针对因迟交买方行使终止合同权利之情况。此时(买方)仍可获得上述预定损害赔偿金,但,且在其能证明的范围内,在考虑了其有权获得的预定损害赔偿金之后仍有其他损失时,买方才可请求额外的(不超过价款          %)损害赔偿金。最后,合同双方当事人可能通过填写范本合同A部件A-10表格来更改第10.1和第10.4条规定的方案。

(a)Delay in delivery or non--delivery.The buyer may claim for delay in delivery:(i)the liquidated damages provided under article 10.1 ,i.e.0.5% per week with a maximum amount of 5 % of the price of the delayed goods, and (ii) where the Contract is terminated by the buyer for late--delivery under articles 10.2 or 10.3,the buyer may recover,in addition to the above liquidated damages, an amount for proven loss not exceeding 10% of the price of the non--delivered goods: see article 10.4.The damages referred to in (i) relate to delay in delivery of goods which are ultimately delivered and accepted. In this case,the buyer is entitled to the liquidated damages on mere proof of delay, and without showing actual loss, up to a maximum of 5 % of the price of the delayed goods.The damages referred to in (ii) deal with the case where the buyer exercises a right to terminate the Contract fo delay. In this case he is still entitled to liquidated damages as above but can claim further damages (not exceeding 10% of the price) only if and to the extent that he provex additional loss after taking account of the liquidated damages to which he is entitled.Finally,the parties may modify the formulae in article 10.1 and 10.4 by completing A--10 of the model Contract.

(b)货物不符:对交付不符货物的救济方式遵循了适用于迟延交货的救济方式。这种违约(货物不符)本身并不能给予买方终止合同权利,并且若卖方对此种违约进行了补救,那么买方的损害赔偿就仅限于对由此而引起的迟延,请求最多不超过某一数额的预定损害赔偿金、该数额,与按照第10.1条对第一阶段之迟延要求的损害赔偿金合并计算时,不超过不符货物价款的          %。只有在这种不符未予补救(且合同终止)的情况下,买方才有权对其能证明的,即使退还价款和对迟延进行损害赔偿也不能弥补的任何额外损失请求进一步赔偿。

(b)Lack of conformity.The Buyer will be entitled to liquidated damages as quantified under article 10.1 for each complete week of delay between the date of notification of the non - conformity according to article 11.1 and the supply of substitute goods under article 11.3 (a) or repair under article 11.3 (b) above.Such damages may be accumulated with damages(if any)payable under article 10.1,but can in no caseexceed in the aggregate 5% of the price of those goods.


12.Force majeure


Failure to give either notice makes the party thus failing liable in damages for loss which otherwise could have been avoided.


13.Resolution of disputes


Through the completion of Box A--15 in Prat A of the model Contract, the parties may choose between arbitration and litigation for the resolution of disputes arising under the Contract.


Where the parties fail to choose between arbitration and litigation, the model Contract assumes that ICC arbitration is the preferred method intended by the parties for the resolution of disputes.


Whether they choose arbitration or litigation ,the parties are also invited to specify the place of arbitration of litigation.

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